Friday, October 13, 2006

The Wisdom of Albert Einstein and John Cage

This is a story I once heard about Albert Einstein, whether or not it is accurate, I know not, nor do I care...and with that preface, I commence my tale:

A prominent East Coast University invited Albert Einstein to come and speak. He accepted the invitation and they were filled with glee. They set up an Albert Einstein Day on the campus, they had a look-alike contest, passed out fake mustaches and wigs, etc.

Upon his arrival, he was whisked around campus on a guided tour by the university President himself and other prominent campus figures.

There was a glorious banquet prepared that evening and everyone feasted. Then it was time for Einstein to get up and deliver his lecture. He makes his way to podium, stands up and says something to the effect of, "Thank you all for inviting me here. Unfortunately, I have nothing to say." The crowd laughed. Then he sat down. The laughing stopped. He then walked back to the podium and announced, "When I do have something to say, I will return." Then he sat down again.

Several months later he kept his word, returning to deliver a speech.

Taking my cue from Albert Einstein, I see no need to continue to write every day. I will, however, return when I have something to say.

Or to put it a different way, in the words of avant-garde artist John Cage, "I have nothing to say and I'm saying it; and that, is poetry."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boo and hiss. nothing to say? I don't believe that for one second.