Sunday, October 29, 2006

Who needs a job, give us us marriages!

Gay marriage is back in the news again recently because of a New Jersey court ruling. This circuitous debate over the gay marriage is becoming frustrating, mostly because it's not a debate, so much as a shouting match. For just about all people, opinions on this issue are firmly entrenched and all the debate/discussion in the world is not going to change minds.

While marriage is an issue that has to be dealt with, I think there is a more important issue out there that the ACLU and gay rights advocates should be talking about: discrimination at work.

There are currently over 30 states in which an employee can be legally fired for being gay. That to me is a more important issue. I think it's an issue where the gay rights advocates can get more public support behind them than on marriage, which is clearly more divisive because of the relationship of marriage and religion and children. More people believe in a right to employment which sidesteps the moral/religious qualms of marriage. If the goal is equal rights, I don't understand why they seem to be sticking on this one issue, when there are others that could be addressed and actually affect change for people, rather than just playing politics.

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