Monday, October 09, 2006

Where do pulled teeth go? and other such questions

I'll be back to sports next Monday, I promise; I started writing something but I didn't feel like writing on that topic at length this afternoon. Ideally, I'll work on it all week and have it done by next Monday, but in all likelihood it'll be this time next week and I'll be in the same predicament. Oh well. Instead, tonight, I present you with a few questions that have boggled my mind the last week and so I turn to you, noble reader, in search of answers.

Question the first:
What do dentists do with teeth after they pull them out?

Why is Bugs Bunny's incessant cross-dressing never questioned?

Honestly, why do we have Civil War re-enactments?

Why do we assume that aliens, if they exist, look anything like humans and are "higher life forms"?

Why don't doctors just schedule appointments farther apart and later into the day, rather than insisting on being behind schedule all day?

Are there any geniuses alive today on par with Leonardo, Mozart, or Shakespeare?

Seriously, what happened to WTC 7 on 9/11?

Do people actually like reggaeton or do they realize it's dreadful and they just listen for the irony factor?


Am I the only one who saw the North Korean army marching and thought of the 'Be Prepared' number from The Lion King?

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