Tuesday, October 24, 2006


What would happen if tomorrow...
...we all woke up and all U.S troops were gone from the Middle East?

...finally, after 4 years, we came to an official agreed upon pronounciation of Iraq? (It's been 4 years or so now that we've been liberating Iraq and still it's eye-rack, eye-rock, ee-rack, ee-rock...get it together news media)

...all televisions ceased to function other than those in public places?

...the secret service stopped trying to intimidate 14-year-old girls for making anti-Bush websites?

...time had been altered in such a way that there are 48 hours in a day? Would that prompt you to work 16 hours a day, or would you take advantage of an extra 24 free hours?

...someone commissioned a "Catchphrase Hall of Fame"? What would you nominate for induction? I'm campaigning for "Let's get ready to rumblllllllllllllllllle!" and the now defunct "stay the course" from the PR firm of Rove, Mehlman, and Associates, which President Bush NEVER advocated.

...people cared about baseball teams not named the Yankees or Red Sox again?

...you won the lottery? (I can tell you right now, I'd hire 3 staff writers for this blog and never write anything myself again.)


Anonymous said...

oh bah humbug. you'd do no such thing as quitting the blog. what would happen if I won the lottery? I quit all my jobs and spend the day blogging. It'd be a glorious day of nothing but making the internet a happy place.

GUY said...

i wouldn't be online if i won the lottery. i'd be building a green-friendly home run on solar power in Carpinteria and surfing with those extra 24 or so hours. make it happen jason. make it happen.

As to the conduct of the SS agents: is our gov't at the level of paranoia that they are jumping at shadows? you know in Rome when the senators began imagining conspiracy plots it historically signaled the empire's inevitable decline from glory to decadence. thanks W for leading us down the path of decline. what a foolish man.

if the feebs seriously considered following up a satirical drawing by a 14-year old chick, then maybe we live in much more of Big-Brother world than I had previously assumed. My verdict is shame on cheney and rumsfeld for being idealogue warhawks and manipulating idiots like W from behind the scenes. shame on them for encouraging and assisting the spread of extremist right-wing, evangelical, war-mongering fanaticism nationally. shame on them for perpetuating values and ideals of imperialism and war when we should be preaching peace and love.

I take extreme satisfaction in the fact that our generation, read you, me, and ben, are the ones who will write the history books for the next generation. and you know what? I for one plan to spare no mercy on the 8-year debacle that was W's presidency.
