Thursday, December 07, 2006

While I Haven't Actually Read It Yet, Let Me Tell You What It Says

All day, across all media outlets, regardless of partisan affiliations, the talk was "So the Baker-Hamilton report...blah blah blah....well I haven't read it "cover to cover yet" (said as smugly as possible) but I can tell you this about what they propose...."

Wait. Stop. I have an about you go ahead and read it first. Cover to cover. It's a brisk 96 pages, with 10 pages of foreword (which you can usually skip anyway). You can read it in an afternoon. Please, just read it before you make your pronouncements. Seriously. Don't get on a mic or in front of a camera and tell me your conclusions about it until you've read it. I'm sure as a member of the media you can rustle up a free copy. If not, it cost $10 at Borders, I know, because that's what I paid for it. Heck, write it off as a business expense. Just do yourself a favor, do your listeners a favor, do us all a favor and go ahead and read it first.

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