Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Preseason #1

While it was only the first day of the year, I'm almost positive last night's Boise State-Oklahoma Fiesta Bowl (presented by Tostitos) classic, followed by the post-game interview engagement of Boise State's All-American running back Ian Johnson to his girlfriend, the head cheerleader (how cute!) will go down as the #1 sports moment of the year

......unless of course the Warriors win the NBA Finals


GUY said...

yea yea yea. but if you want to talk about something really cool let's discuss Jay-z's album "Kingdom Come" and how incredibly dominant "Lost One" is. just listening to it makes my grammer deteriote as i write now.

Anonymous said...

wait. so guy talks rap on your blog and sports on mine... wtf?

but, agreed. Boise!

Jason McGensy said...

It also appears to be doing a number on your spelling, Gee.

When is "Working Man" going to come off sabbatical? And Ben, is "the hiatus is over" going to live up to it's name once again?