Sunday, September 24, 2006


I've learned in the past 4 days that the body can definitely survive on 3-4 hours sleep every night. Going to bed around 11/11:30 and getting up at 3:30 have proven that. I can function about as normally on a half nights sleep as if I had a full night's rest (which I get about once a week). It doesn't help that I have a job where I can perform just as successfully half-awake as fully awake, leading me to stay awake later than I should.

The problem is that while the body can function on that little sleep, the eyes cannot. Your eyes need sleep. I woke up this morning and my eyes would not open. When they finally did they felt like they wanted to jump out of my head and crawl back under the covers.

Of course it doesn't help that I go to work and sit for an hour and a half staring at a computer screen editing video for the newscast, then sit for 2 hours staring at various tv and computer screens during the newscasts. So needless to say, my poor eyes felt like death by quitting time.

I got home from work around 9:15 and figured I'd take a little power nap to rest my eyes before heading to church. When I woke up it was 12:30.

So much for a little nap, so much for church. Now it's time for an afternoon of staring at this computer screen and watching football on TV. I think my eyes will implode some time later this week; and if that happens, at least I won't have to worry about not getting enough sleep.

1 comment:

GUY said...


Have we forgotten that you're already well-versed in the art of insomia? I seem to remember coming home, albiet somewhat intoxicated et al, and seeing you awake and well @ 3am typing, knowing you had an 8am. So no sympathy. none. but i am learning about this American sport called "footbal" from your blog. hmmm...the 49ers really suck.