Tuesday, September 26, 2006


How much more of this do we have to endure?

Rush Limbaugh today, quoting or paraphrasing from Dr. Zawahiri of al-Qaeda, says that the latest al-Qaeda newsletter [or web posting or whatever it was he was reading from] reads like the a newsletter from the Democrats, questioning the US for not joining the Kyoto Protocol, demanding the troops leave Iraq, saying the war would make Americans less safe, etc. Essentially equating the Democrats with al-Qaeda ideologically.

Laura Ingram on Fox News inferred that since the "average American" likes the show 24, that serves as a decent enough referendum of popular opinion approving of 'tough tactics' when it comes to dealing with prisoners/detainees/terrorists.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace all but accused former President Clinton of allowing 9/11 to happen.

Last week at the UN, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez referred to President Bush as "el diablo" claiming he'd left the stench of sulfur on the podium after his speech the day prior.

A few days ago, Rev. Jerry Falwell declared Sen. Hilary Clinton to be worse than Lucifer, saying seeing her running for president would prompt a larger turnout of conservatives than Beeelzebub himself.

Stop it. All of you. Democrats are not terrorists and are not with the terrorists. The popularity of a TV show has nothing to do with politics. No person alive is Satan, no person alive is the anti-Christ.

Please, grow up. Name calling stopped being cool in about 5th grade (at least until high school, when it was cool to call everything "gay")


GUY said...

the average American is a provincial, uninformed fool. and yes, i (or you or ben) should tell them what to do because the masses are too stupid to rule themselves. and yes, i am somewhat cynical about the American system of democracy and our rights to freedom of speech, press et al because I have to listen to mindless, belligerant, short-sighted, evangelical-extremists such as Rush pollute the airwaves.

Ok. Im done ranting. But hoestly, that may have been B. Young worthy.

Anonymous said...

That's great, Gee, thanks.

In all seriousness, though, we're a culture and a media out for a soundbit (byte? bite?) and name calling can generally accomplish said goal. I agree with you - it's sad. Name calling of this sort really has no place in intelligent conversation.

Oh Falwell... lucifer? How uninspired. Try 'lesbian' next time - that'll get some press.

Jason McGensy said...
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Jason McGensy said...

Gee, did you read what I wrote about name-calling?
I don't mind allowing Rush on the air, because what would be the alternative system? You can turn him off if you don't want to hear it.
I'd rather suffer through the occasional nonsense of extremist [left and right] radio and tv, and the foolishness that is posted on websites like National Vanguard, than live in an authoritarian system where some entity determines what is and isn't appropriate to write/say, because it would definitely curtail discussion and lead to an even more subjugated and uninformed populace, wouldn't it? I'd rather encourage people to be civil, informed and honest in what they say, rather than cutting them off.
Maybe I'm just a romantic.