It appears that at some point in the last 6 months a few people actually took the time to read through the Iraq Study Group Report, (If you recall [or are new here] I noted back when it came out that the majority of those commenting on the report made remarks such as, "While I haven't read the thing cover to cover, blah, blah, blah, it sucks and here's why, blah blah blah"...Tony Snow, Tucker Carlson, I'm looking in your direction) and now it seems to have gained some fans. President Bush and Co. have returned to discussing the ISG Report, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sang the praises of the report on Face the Nation today, the Dem candidates for president regularly reference it in the debates.
Almost universally derided as over-reaching and implausible upon release (not to mention the use of the phrase "grave and deteriorating" to describe the situation practically writing the headlines for the newspapers by itself), I guess they're hoping we've all forgotten their initial disdain to accept their praise of it now uncritically.
Or perhaps the perpetually maligned Maliki government's inability to "meet the benchmarks" that keep being set has changed the hearts and minds of the Congress? (Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) quipped, glibly, "It's kind of odd for the Senate to be telling other politicians 'why can't you get your act together'").
Anybody want in on a bet that the weight currently being put on the magical mystery date of September by the GOP as the turning point in Iraq disappears 6 weeks from now, in favor of "we knew it was going to get worse before it gets better, but if we leave they'll follow us home" rhetoric?
Ahhh, what ever happened to colonialism? I hate summer; at least gas prices are plummeting. (down $.30-40 in 2-3 weeks!).
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