Just this past Friday, we were privy to the entire Valerie Plame hearing, which may very well have been on C-Span as well; either way, it was very interesting. Not because of her predictable testimony, but because 1) there were other people watching over my shoulder for a change, anxious to see what she would say (and because she is kinda hot)

and 2) about 4-5 minutes into the hearing, there was a lady in the audience behind Plame at the hearing that could be seen attempting to insinuate herself in a position such that her torso, but not her face, could be seen by the television camera. Why, you ask? Advertising.
What was she selling?

Ok, that's not really her. In reality, she was wearing a simple white shirt with hand-drawn black letters reading, "Impeach Bush".
Of course, this one lady is hardly alone in declaring the desire to "impeach" our current president, but to her and those like her, I offer the wisdom of Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Impeachment is a process that requires a majority vote in the House to bring a charge, then a 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict. If they can do that, they can definitely pass a law reducing carbon emissions by eliminating all cars and requiring all human transportation to be via "the most glorious rainbow"s.

If this nameless, (literally) faceless woman, or any of the other impeachementistas out there think 1/3 of Senate republicans would vote for the removal of a sitting Republican president, we should lock them up with the illegals in T. Don Hutto Internme...ahem, Detention Center, until they gain their sanity. Talk about government inaction.
In the end, maybe Bush should have taken Vizzini's rebuke in The Princess Bride to heart: "You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"
That Vizzini knew his history too well, and we appear to repeat it now because we didn't listen to the man. Then again, even if the Italians had sent us some Sicilians with their experience, instead of those artsy-fartsy Florentines and those ever-nostalgic for "Pax" Romans in their 'coalition of the willing' allotment, would we be out of Iraq by now? In the words of Vizzini: Inconceivable!
a most glorious post to make benefit all potential media options save pure audio for glorious and make benefit blogging?
wait, st. pat's day doesn't end until 12:01am Monday morning, correct?
I don't know how to incorporate pure audio yet, if such a thing is even possible; I'll work on it, but man, that post took a lot out of me. Expect short, all text, link-free posts, mostly about movies for the next 2 weeks. I was up waiting for that Loney, Dear album to download so I needed to fill the time somehow. The tragic part was that it downloaded 50mb but still needed another hour when I needed to go to bed, so I decided to just leave it running overnight, but then all of a sudden, for no good reason whatsoever, the internet connection decided to timeout just as I got up from the table and I lost it all. 7 hours for nothing.
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