....to seeing things like this.....

...but if you say something derogatory about racial minorities (Jews are a racial minority technically, but it's like men being the gender minority, for most people you wouldn't know unless someone told you), you have to count on someone else to do the talking for you, and hope that they "get it", because you don't have anyone from your demographic with the forum for themselves.
Aside from the occasional visit by Al Sharpton (who, when asked what he said to Biden about the comment about Obama being "clean" quipped, "I told him I take a bath every day") or Juan Williams to the cable news pundits (and even then, usually only when something 'black' happens), there really are not any minority personalities out there offering their thoughts/views/opinions for the general audience. Granted, there are several bloggers and syndicated op-ed columnists out there (Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald, Clarence Page of the Washington Post, Mary Sanchez of the Kansas City Star, to name a few), but they are relatively few and far between and do not have nearly the audience scope of a Limbaugh, Chris Matthews, or (excuse me while I cringe) Glenn Beck. Sports broadcasting notwithstanding, in the (admittedly ever-shrinking) realm of "hard news", where are they? Give us us cable news shows!
why does Glenn Beck even have a career on tv? He is miserable to watch... maybe even worse than Nancy Grace.
Why does Glenn Beck have a career on tv? That's easy: because neo-conservatives have cable and love his schtick and will gleefully endure ads about hair restoration and natural male enhancement to hear him blather. But perhaps the question was rhetorical.
And no one is worse than Nancy Grance. No one.
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